National Oversight Commission for Intelligence-Gathering Techniques

The CNCTR oversees the way in which the intelligence services use surveillance techniques to gather information
Who are we?
The CNCTR is an independent administrative authority created by the French Intelligence Act of 24 July 2015.
The CNCTR acts as an oversight authority to ensure that the actions of the French intelligence services across the country comply with legislation.
Oversee the actions of the intelligence services
Ensure compliance with the legal framework
The Intelligence Act of 24 July 2015 introduced a general legal framework to govern the activities of the intelligence services with the aim of protecting privacy.
The CNCTR ensures that intelligence services comply with that legal framework.
Provide ex-ante and ex-post oversight
The CNCTR carries out oversight at each stage of the procedure for implementing intelligence-gathering techniques.
It examines whether requests from intelligence services to use intelligence-gathering techniques are compatible with the law. This is known as ex-ante oversight.
It also examines the conditions according to which these techniques are used. This is known as ex-post oversight.
Advise Government and Parliament
The CNCTR advises the Government and Parliament on the applicable law for intelligence-gathering techniques.